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Principles of the Network

The Network has its principles with basic guidelines that dictate the activity of the same, they are fundamental and can be changed only with an unanimous clear vote by the whole Council:
A) The Network was born from Students for Students;
B) The daily rules of civil coexistence apply;
C) Promotions must have a system that is fair to all;
D) We are all equal before the rules, nobody is allowed to violate them;
E) Zero entries, zero exits. Any revenues must be invested immediately in the Network;
F) The Admin will always stick to non-partisan and non-denominational behavior.

Objectives of the Network

1) Reach 100% (of students) of Politecnico
2) Being able to create a project that is constantly evolving but at the same time "free" and transparent. All without having to resort to promotion and / or money systems (principle E)
3) To help students in the best possible way: both by putting them in contact with each other, and with the representation / associations and therefore with the university environment. But also by offering them unique and useful projects

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This website is not affiliated to Politecnico di Milano